Our Staff
At Camp Ramah in the Berkshires, we believe that nothing is more important than the people we hire to care for your children. That’s why every potential staff member—no matter the job in camp—must sit for a full interview with one of the members of our leadership team. All staff applicants undergo a full background check and must submit multiple references as part of the application process. Camp is fun, but we take our hiring very seriously.
The staff of Camp Ramah in Berkshires is drawn largely from our alumni: campers who have been through our program and understand the values and the traditions of our Camp community. When we ask them why they want to come back and work at Camp, the answer we hear the most often is, “I want to give back to this place that has given so much to me.” We love that answer!
In addition to our homegrown staff, Camp Ramah draws Jewish staff members from all over the world. We always have a large contingent of Israel staff (hired and trained by our leadership team) as well as young Jews from places like England, Australia and even Sweden. We find that the diversity of our staff enhances the experience for our Campers, giving them a profound sense of the diversity of the Jewish world beyond their own communities.
No matter where they are from or what their job is at Camp however, all of our staff is expected to perform the same basic functions: to keep our campers safe, to care for them, and to make sure they have an amazing experience. We are careful in whom we hire, we are diligent in how they are trained. We are caring for your children, and we never forget that. Our wonderful and hardworking staff members—be it their first summer at Camp or their tenth—understand the importance of what they are doing, and we proud to have them as part of our Camp community.